Pina Picierno

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People FR – Giuseppina Picierno est née...

Claudia Villante

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People Senior Research at ISTAT and Telefono...

Maria Gabriella Carnieri

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People Socia fondatrice e presidente...

Valentina Zoccali

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People FR – Valentina Zoccali est née à...

Rita Biancheri

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People FR – Rita Biancheri est...

Dilyana Angelova

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The Projectnews  People Published 11.08.2019 People FR – Dilyana Angelova est...